
America: the Borrower

Typography & Editorial Design

For this project, I compiled 3 essays about post World War 2 America into one coffee table book. Each section of the book was then made to fit thematically, both in content and in design.

(Student Work)


Section 1: Catching the Bug

Fellow designer Eric Van Buskirk details the origins of Volkswagen and how they carved out a market in postwar America through bold marketing.

brutalizing 1.png

Section 2: Brutalizing America

In this section, I illustrate the rise and fall of the Brutalist architectural movement in America and profile two of its key players, Walter Netsch and Marcel Breuer.


Section 3: NYC Reaching Upward

This section, written by Acacia Thalman, outlines the moving pieces that catapulted New York City into the cultural capital of the world following the second world war.


The Smoke Show